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Friday, 12 October 2007

farewell J2s!

farewell assembly...

before it started...
i had a chat with mdm ong...
haha..for jus 5 mins ba..

farewell assembly for th Jc2s..
a video for them..
then MR A sang..
4 teachers sang 隐形的翅膀...
not bad..

speech by two other teachers...
then by teachers from various departments...
then speech by weilin n izzah.. haha...

its the final time singing college anthemn..
and college song with my rightful batch of ppl..
maybe the last time singing it..
during fare well assembly...
*touch wood*
hope can still do it next year.. haha

really la... when the chers was talking..
some emotions jus came...ahaha...
it might have been me sitting there..haha..
haha... too bad:P

dno la... people! JIA YOU K! (=
As for your A level(=

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