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Friday, 29 February 2008


its 29th FEB!
happy birthday to those who are born TODAY!
4 times one birthday...
each birthday extra 4 candles! haha :X

the last 29th feb was in 2004..
wah sec 3.-
can u imagine! haha
oh man. i miss KR...
there are a few abt 4 KR ppl in PJ now..
two is casiopeia de! haha
as in our house. thats me house too! haha

we did high jump today..
i attempt twice. failed twice.
jacky jump 1.5m! highest record among mrs loh's classes.

chem spa was rather ok.
cuz im rather prepared.
i wrote 7 errors!
alot la! 1st time man. haha
i did my caculation wrongly!
and got 57000kJmol-1
so i count agn.
there is some error.. its -5700kJmol-1
HENG i spotted if not i DIE!

then was ANNUAL cross country!
some of us agreed not to run liao-.-
but in one point of time some ran..
cuz they say.. "me tan infront!
cannot run slower than him" someting along here la.
so they ran. haha i ran abit then stop..
PANGSEH! lol -.- haha
i didnt run cuz my right cuff lik goign to get cramp...

xiaoting got J2 1st(=
pro. haha.
as for teacher. mrs yap- 1st
ms tan- 2nd.
cool ah..
i cant rmbr the rest of the J1 and J2 and teachers:X
haha but ok la. quite ok. not bad. haha

Thursday, 28 February 2008

catch him!

today we got free straits times..
at 1st i tot its due the the JI leader Mas Selamat Kastari thingy..
cuz he is the most wanted person wat.
so i tot we got free papers cuz of this-.- haha

i dont understand how he can escape.
and he is lame(crippled) dno who tell me one.
then how he escape?!

cuz of him the custom got jam!
and people take 4 hours to get out..
come to think..
after about 2 years then he escape.
there mus be people who help him wat.
how to escape alone?
if he escape alone.
he cant buy food?
cant get neccessity..
how he survive?
sure got ppl helping him out in all this..
his khakis? LOL. dno..

according to the article he walk with a limp..
and NOT suppose to be armed.
his khakis can providE!

argh its near US!
beauty world area also being surrounded..
wat if he takes the railway track?
pass by back of PJ? those forest!
oh my.

somehow im still puzzled over the fact that he ESCAPED-.-
we somehow take everything for granted.
now security is a concern!
who is safe? what if he use civilians as his hostage?
it isnt funny. we got to be alert!

LOL he mus be caught asap! he MUS get caught. haha
tmr got high jump-.-
not looking forward to it haha. :X

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

appear on dawn yang's blog!

got home in the ...
xue yi talk to me..
saying that i appear on dawn yang's blog..

i know that she took a pic of us..
now is UP on her blog! haha
cuz that day. while we were road lining..
we saw her inside one of the car..
then one person say hi to her..
she turned...
we all say hi...
shr replied with a nice and friendly smile(=
OH she said "happy chingay" and took a pic of us! haha
and now its up!

i went to eat with qiu eileen dickson n zhenyang.
we ate at clementi kopitiam then went MAC n slack aha
i left 1st at 9 odd...

SAD the mcdonald at clementi last day on 29th FEB 1200am:(
sad sad. it was there since i dno how young..
sec sch will drop by at times...
it will become history soon(= 2 more day.

when i came home..
claudia (kent ridge) told me abt dawn yang's blog...
after awhile sheng hong too! LOL..
have a look at the pic ba(=

DAWN YANG's blog

there are many pics! this are one of the two..
look at the caption.
why, "hello to you too!' haha

yea only two guys. kang de & me.
the other man is some dno random ppl that JUMP into the pic haha:X

random links

links for those who have nothing to do(=

happen to be surfing abit before i do my stuff..
and i saw this..

what dawn yeo(blogger) said about edison (1)-clickable-
what dawn yeo(blogger) said about edison (2)-clickable-
what dawn yeo(blogger) said about edison (star blog)-clickable-
Porsche explodes in highway crash-clickable-
JC students keep wasting water!-clickable-

all taken from
LOOK at the comments for the last link i gave...

WOO 7th!(=

my life. my family. my friends. my school. my class.

MY. my everything. haha

nothing much happen today la.
jus that during CT they talk abt lollipop stuff agn!-.-
cuz adeline gave someof us lollipop... haha
thx ade(=

we did some personality stuff for CT ..
we have to write our good n bad habits n etc la...
someone wrote his habits when he play majong!
while other wrote that they brush teeth, wake up early. LOL

some of us slack around in class after lesson..
hueyting charlie came back from some competion held in NTU..
she say PJ got 7TH! (=
7th out of all JC ... very good liao.. dno if IP schs inside too lo..
1st AC
2nd RJ
dnodnodnodnodno(TJ and 3 other college)
7th PJ
dnodnodnodnodno(HC, NJ and other colleges)
last JJ
there are 16/17 colleges?
not sure haha :P
so we arent that bad(=

dno wat competition..
GOOD ONE! cuz charlie hueyting and chuar ann ma! haha
my classmates:X

HC n NJ didnt get pass certain level.
funny part was that hueyting say..
the MC was a ex pioneer..
in round 3.. PJ n RJ got same score..
the MC say that "so PJ n RJ have same standard"
LOL someting lik that .. nothing to say..
that MC so funny..

they had practical too!
they are given eggs and materials..
they got to ensure that the egg doesnt break...
when they throw down from certain height..
but different from those most of us do b4..
they are given zip lock bag, chilli sause, flour, water, glue some chemical..
instead of newspaper, straws and tapes. (which i do before)
haha. only one egg broke...
team JJ.

overall.. i tink all participants definitely prepare alot jus for this..
cuz charlie ann n hueyting lik very busy cuz of this..
nvm its over(=

oh! jiahao too. WCG or someting.
won yesterday match against NTU..
today dno won wat.
hope they get into semi!
NONO! get into FINALS(= haha

later going to meet prawnsters to makan dinner. haha
sian damn tired now:X

Monday, 25 February 2008

chem common test. zzzz

JC2 H2 Chemistry Common Test 2008

Date: 20 March 2008 (Thu)


Paper 1 (40 MCQs, 1 hour) – 40 marks

All JC1 topics, Periodicity, Group II, Group VII, Chemical Energetics & Reaction Kinetics

Paper 2 (2 hour 10 min) – 80 marks

Section A (Structured Questions) – 40 marks

The Gaseous State, Periodicity, Group II, Group VII, Organic Reaction Scheme, Distinguishing Tests and Organic Reaction Mechanism

Section B (4 Free- Response Questions) – 40 marks

Chemical Energetics, Reaction Kinetics, Nitrogen Compounds & Protein Chemistry, Organic Deductive Question

pasta(= (hand cuff)

did PHY yesterday till 2 plus 3am!
yet we did practical today:(

wasted my sleep:(
but practical was
fun today 1haha.
abt circuit!
so long nvr touch circuit...

me aloy jerome shenghong jiahao jeslina ruihe and chingsian

i ate the
seafood miso! NICE(=
the chicken thingy aloy ate was nice too!
ruihe left for training after finishing..


"peep peep stop dont move"

"dont run le"
"like lolli pop"
"why need flavour?"

"then not oily oily meh?"

"police and thief"

"hand cuff"

HAHA! only the ppl there noes...

sheng hong laugh lik dno wat to day!

went home..


normally blue screen..

today BLACK SCREEN! suay..
but i did system recovery le.. (=

heng data still there.


new live messenger is quite nice
show u someting i like MOST!
cuz u can change colour scheme!!
I PUT GREEN!!!(= haha

jus incase another person thinks im that slow too!
i jus didnt upgrade to this one when i was using the OLDER version..
thats all haha this newer one betteR(= ABIT haha.

TMR TMR! tmr PE is hockey MATCH!(=
me ruihe ade n yunru one team!
got ADE! but got ME-.- so overall DIE:( haha
*touch wood*

Sunday, 24 February 2008

mugging session 1!

today was rather productive considering the 1st time this year.
and we hardly chatted...

stuff i done..
read - 2 phy notes
- 1 math chap

- GP that one para stuff
- abit on chem
- look thru TYS of 2 chaps of phy.

ok la not terrific but better than i rot at home n do NTH!
stay at home wont be that productive also. haha

studied with bervyn...
at the coffee bean near my hse..
was there abt 1050am to 630 ba.

we ate alot-.- dots...
1st when we reach there. we got a drink each..
i drank - the ultimate(chocholate espresso bean) its a coffee ice blend.
he drank hot vanila..
then we study till its lunch time..

i ate mushroom and chicken fusili (cream sauce)
bervyn ate spicy tuna someting. also pasta but tomato sauce

then we mug somemore..

we had one cookie each for tea break! LOL-.-
EARTHQUAKE and CHOC with WALNUT cookies.

at 6 we ate TOAST-.-
which is a breakfast dish .. haha.!
we change the tea to ice tea..
i tot was lemon tea -.-
but its jus tea with ice! haha
20cents more.
not nice to us.
i went to take the syrup..
added abit ... tasted... lik not enough.
so i added alot the 2nd time!
and it was DAMN SWEET-.-
we went to add quite abit of skim milk. haha
then it became okok lo.
but guess the syrup have make it addictive. haha
we drank finish rather fast. haha

there is this person working there..
was telling his friend that..
this two stay since 10am-.-
when we were buying the toast. haha..

when we left. she said BYE! -.- funny her. haha

OH! let me work out how much we spent today!
ALOT-.- we calculated haha. DOTS.

me: the ultimate-$7.50

bervyn: hot vanila-$5

and toast: $4.70

TOTAL: $39!!!

39 = 195 beans point.
but we didnt noe abt the coffee bean card.
too bad lo sad. haha. if not will have 195 beans points.

i realise its better to study little people.
that time study with timo also can study. haha
anyone? wana go T3 to study!? haha
im serious during the march hols! tell me(=

我猜我猜我猜猜猜 真的假不了 Part 5/5

CHECK THIS OUT! i watch the show today. jus ended 24 mins ago. its A MUS SEE! cuz this two person really damn pro! its che ling.. the thing that spins on the line LOL-.- cheling la. damn ZAI WATCH. but i tink abit blurr TRY to see lo(= enjoy

Saturday, 23 February 2008

im struggling with everything now...
school work are not really piling..
BUT content is piling liaoz..

starting to feel lost...
common test coming!
HAVE TO START mugging!
but its lik so many chaps lo.

PIA! lol.. haha
ZY! thx for the HELP!
went his hse to ask him qns. haha
though his nt feeling well..
he still help! haha THX.

i went to settle some stuff at clementi..
then was walking along.
some ppl called me. turn over..
its shaminah and izzah-.-

izzah laugh bimboly as usual.-.-
they say they shouted
pioneer ____
but noone turn over.
then they realise its me. haha

damn funny la.
they told me about their work.
they have to call overseas blah blah..
then they start to talk in slang-.- haha
so funny..
they want to take picture and at the same time..
complaining that they are hungry-.-
THIS TWO GALS are funny man.

tmr going to MUG at coffee bean.. yea.
hope it wont be a waste of time! (=

Friday, 22 February 2008

O2 ended!

i seriously think this is the BEST O2 EVER in PJ!
congrates timo and council.. and those GOOD OGL. haha
saw some sub standard one.
jerome! u noe wat i meant:P
"hurry up, hurry up"

shant continue abt it.
if u wana noe wat izzit abt can ask me or jerome ba:P

its the BEST O2 cuz its not PURELY run by the people in PAE-.- haha
so OF COURSE it OUGHT TO BE THE BEST O2! since SC are involve.
if its not the best ah. dno wat to say liao. haha

on wednesday when i was going home. i was at the forest track.
i heard screaming..
cool lo.

WITCH DOCTOR(= cute dance. i still dno how izzit lik..
today i went to see the orientation 2 finale..
bt bt i cant see wats cute dance lik cuz no one really PRO at dancing it.
there is la. bt PRO one wasnt in sight-.-

900++ people. bt the hall seems to have less than 600 ppl today la-.-
but nvm this 600 and less DEFINITELY ENJOYED THEMSELVE! haha
if those who pon today. was at orientation. it might not be that HIGH. haha
its rather HIGH. jus that its a pity that it rain.

i was wearing kairos tee(pjc-hci exchange in 2006)
while there is a og kairos in the hall LOL-.-

oh! there is a new layout in school.
i meant the board with all the teachers and staff photos.
its DIFF now. haha.
there are new teachers. and..
NEW PHOTOS..yet to have a good look-.- haha

khadil couldnt rmbr the dances wahahaha -.-
ms lau=lao -.- ms lao(old)
LOL kkk kididng(=

TIMO is nvr SHY-.- wrong image given to the new J1-.- haha
mr koh say that timothy was shy when we first work with him..
someting along that line la. hHAHA-.-
NOT TRUE! lolx:

last but not least.
those who nvr see this video b4.. have a look! haha..



Thursday, 21 February 2008

WOO! we WON!

was rather sian today sia..
went home and got lotsa shit stuff=.=

those stuff aside..
so happy for her!
its the 1st time olympics flame enter south east asia..
and its the 1st youth olympics..
and its HELD HERE! lol.. haha(=

i saw perlin on TV
ya the KRSS one. she is in JJ..
but why JJ leaders are in it? LOL
okok not impt-.-

what important is that SINGAPORE WON!
what important is that the stage and sits was CHINGAY DE!

see this! AGN! the release of results.

see this two. concept of YOG(=

its so high there la! shld have went man!

stay at home.
got into arguement..
in short..

starring wilbert AGN!

hope more to come(= ahaha
some parts cut off due to zooming! haha
bt still can understand de(=

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

youth olympics!

TMR! TMR will be the day!
whether singapore can host the 1st summer youth olympics!
moscow and singapore!
hopefully singapore will WIN(=

watch it live tmr! -clickable-
haha click tmr abt 6 plus ....

zhi ji zhi bi, bai zan bai sheng!

have a look abt moscow official website-clickable-

singapore also have!

singapore official website-clickable-

GO and visit! haha.
from the website. u can see that singapore's web is more interactive!
have video and stuff..
have a look at the videos! haha

whereas moscow's is not as interactive lo. only have one video also..

LOL im crazy..
i wana go to padang tmr!
im sure tmr will be fun THERE!
it does not happen all the time ma! haha
but no one is going:( haha

nvm MUG for ECONS=.=

i MUG-.- i try(=


my chingay SIC telling the a joke! FUNNY.. haha

take note the 1st few seconds! he sang! lol

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


woke up with a very bad sore throat..
and my right eye was RED!
though i wash up le..
bt the sorethroat gave me a feeling of BAD BREATHE..
due to the germs ba.
or so call "huo qi" (heaty-ness) lol

was on my way to sch...
i called my mum and she say go see doc lo..
then go home rest.
bt bt! i scared to miss the tut and lect.. -.-
so thought of going see doc then go to sch.
since it open at 8..
shld be back in sch at 9 for chem tut..
BUT when i got there. there were 5 person infrnt of me!
i reach there at 7.50 am la! -.-
zzzz.... the doc came at 8.30am...

while i was waiting..
i went to the coffee shop to have breakfast with a newpaper in hand..
i feel to UNCLE! i jus lack of a cup of COFFEE! haha
i ate beehoon-.-

waited till lik almost 10am..
then im done...
if not i will be so xianz!

tonsillitis is the inflamation of the tonsil due to infection.
it can cause high fever too!
i got it ONCE last year.. after mid year-.-

the doc is damn funny la..
while he examine me... he talks abt NS agn!
all the time he talk abt ns..
saying how good that there is 2 months off..
ask me train. he even digress to talk abt how to train.
which muscle to train-.- haha
he also ask abt our uniform.
abt out polo tee... and say he was from TJC.. haha.
funny doc...

while i was waiting for my turn..
i bought newpaper!
since lik years since i buy..
even if i buy i only flip through only-.-
but this time!
i read the WHOLE newpaper!
except the sports section-.-
i even read the CATS AD(classified)
i was rather amaze by the article abt taiwanese laughing at our ENGLISH!
its lik saying a person who cant sing saying that jay chou cant sing!
one of the member in comicboyz ( ke mi xiao zi)
say that we say "thanks" instead of "thank you" which sounds lik "DANCE"
at 1st i was trying to picture.. thanks and dance. wats the similarity-.-
butbut! they pronounce dance diff from us!
if u dn get wat i mean... can jus ask me(= haha

this "teacher" claims that we say pregnan instead of PREGnant.
the intonation is different.
claim that we sound lik thai-.-
the wat we say sorry is.. sorRY then SORry(their english)
i wld lik to say that they might have jus met ppl who cant speak well..
or are not educated or they are chi educated lik my dad..
he cant speak eng well though-.-
if they say that we use so-li then sorry i noe wat they meant.
bt picking on the former.. LAME!

we use auntie and uncle also got problem! -.-
can u believe it?
the host say "is that singapore or phillipines? malaysia? "
something lik that.
we are jus UNIQUE! with mixture of races, cultures and nationallity!
therefore we might not speak english with SLANG/accent!
and i bet those who comment didnt learn eng since young!
when u learn a new language. u tend to say it as accurate as u can..
meaning they tried to slang/speak with accent la. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

they dn have a mixture of races!
then what happen to their mandarin?
they say.. "or" instead of "wo"
the way the president speak... recall?
haha. we can pick on that and say..
that they cant speak proper mandarin!
but we arent lo. -.-
haha wat ever..

CLICK! short clip of that show on youtube

read this if u wan -clickable-
BUT mus watch the short clip!

OH! i mention abt people who cant sing saying that..
jay chou cant sing well!
i read the article on straitstime on monday...
saying that he only mumbles....
this shows how shallow the person is man!
his knowledge abt singing isnt there at all la!
zz.. though im not a fanatic of jay..
but singing is not abt saying every word correctly..
-.- its abt the diaphramm!
jay can sing. bt he choose to sing that way!
its style and unique!
dno why im saying all this! zzz!

anyway today really suay.. haha..
after i see the doc. on my way back to sch..
i say a dead bird! GROSS!
without head i tink.
didnt see the 2nd time!
timo hueyting are late 4 sch...
timo say he nvr late for years! zzz

dno la. hope tmr will be better(=
so long nvr wrote such a long entry le! hahaha

Monday, 4 February 2008


im feeling damn sianz! sick sick sick AGN!
the thoat is damn pain la! everytime u drink water also pain!
eat also pain! ARGH!

got so much FREAKING stupid work to do!
always hear chanting from people!
being labelled. wat for?!
i deserve all this shit man.

so its my fault that u labelled me?
so its my wrong to choose this path?

i dno . really feel lik _______
dno wat i feel lik doing-.-

enlighten me! *light*

Sunday, 3 February 2008

jus got to know this show!-.- lol

aka So I'm Not Handsome
haha this show is starring LIN JUN JIE ..
yea the singer from sg. haha..
haven watch. bt haha JJ de eh! haha..
shld be nice ba haha! dno have a look for urself!(=
official web-clickable-
got this test also can go do haha..

click to enlarge(=